David Munro 
David Munro was appointed to the position of Chair of the Queensland Stoma Association Ltd Board in 2023 following several years as Vice President and Minutes Secretary of the former Incorporated Association, and as Director of the Company Limited by Guarantee (from 1/7/2019). David is a Business Analyst and has extensive experience in information technology systems, strategic analysis of operational processes, and with working with Government.
David has been an ostomate since 1984.
Geoffrey Melton 
Geoff was appointed Deputy Chair of QLD Stoma Association Ltd in 2023 after having held the positions of Director of the Company Limited by Guarantee since 2017 and Secretary of the former Incorporated Association since 2015. Geoff has a deep understanding of the governance obligations of Charitable organisation boards and focusses on making sure that the association is meeting its obligations at all times.
Geoff has been an Ostomate since 2013 and is proud to be an advocate for Australian’s living with a Stoma.
Gerald A Barry, AM 
Gerry has been an integral member of the QSA Governing board since 1967. From 1969 to 2023 (yes …. 54 years!!!) he acted as President/Chairperson of the association and provided strategic leadership during its evolution from a relatively small support network of a few hundred members to the large Company Limited by Guarantee servicing more than 4,500 members that it is today. Although no longer Chair of the QSA Ltd Board, Gerry has remained as an active director of QSA and continues to act as a mentor to both the QSA Board and the QSA Team.
Gerry’s experiences as a former Deputy Commissioner of Taxation, former President of the Australian Council of Stoma Associations (ACSA) and former committee member and Vice President of the International Ostomy Association (IOA) have been invaluable to the ongoing financial and operational success of the Association. In 2008, Gerry was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for services to the community through a range of executive and support roles with ostomy associations.
Verda McMahon 
Verda McMahon initially joined the QSA Board as Treasurer of the previous Incorporated Association the 2018 Annual General Meeting. Verda is a qualified teacher and has a special interest in languages. Verda has worked as a Volunteer with QLD Stoma Association for many years following her ostomy surgery in 2012 and is a valued member of our team.
Verda became of Director of the inaugural Board of Queensland Stoma Association Ltd in July 2017.
Jenny Spencer 
Jenny has been an ostomate member of the QSA team for over 30 years and is the Association’s longest serving volunteer. She has been a member of the QSA Governing Team since 2015. Jenny has a wealth of knowledge about the Stoma Appliance Scheme and association operating procedures.
Jenny is passionate about the wellbeing of persons living with an ostomy and is very proud to be able to support the members of QSA in both a volunteer capacity, and as a Director.
Mel Jackson 
An ostomate since 2019, Mel was appointed to the QSA Ltd Board as a Director in 2023. Mel’s background is in Civil Engineering and he has extensive experience in organisational management in the United Kingdom, and in working with Government in Australia to manage projects involving the construction and maintenance of dams, spillways and fishways.
Mel is also involved in supporting other Charitable organisations which focus on empowering communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Michael Humphry
Michael was appointed to the QSA Board as Director in 2023. Michael is an engineer with 30 years experience in infrastructure working across government and the private sector, and has skills in project audit and governance, procurement and commercial management.
Michael has experience working with various not-for-profit organisations both as a volunteer and as a governing member.